Financial Disclosures
The Financial Disclosure and Policy is to help us provide the most efficient and reasonable health care services. Therefore, it is necessary for us to have a Financial Policy and Disclosure stating our requirements for payment for services provided to patients.
Patients are responsible for the payment of all services provided by Rosalind Medical Clinic and its associates.
Self-Pay Policy
If you are a self-pay patient, you will be required to pay for the office visit before services are rendered.
In addition, any remaining balance on your account will be collected at discharge.
Insurance Policy
If you are an insurance patient, it is our policy to file for insurance as a courtesy to you if we have accurate and complete insurance information.
If a service is provided that is not covered by your insurance company, you will be the responsible party at the time of service. If we have not received a payment from your insurance company within thirty (30) days, you will be responsible for the balance due.
Deductibles, co-payments, and coinsurance will be collected before services are rendered.
In special cases, we may need your help contacting your insurance company to pay for your services.
Workers Compensation Policy
If you are a worker's compensation patient, our policy is to bill your employer or the worker's compensation carrier for services rendered.
If you are covered under worker's compensation, we will accept the payments by the worker's compensation carrier as per contracted rates based on the mandated SC state fee schedule.
If payment is denied from your worker's compensation carrier, you will become responsible for the entire balance of your services. Payment will be due within ten (10) days following any worker's compensation payment denial.
You will be responsible for contacting us with the name and address of your employer or the insurance company that covers your employer.
X-Ray Policy
If you require an x-ray on today's visits, the x-ray will be sent out to a Radiologist for a second opinion for quality assurance purposes.
You will be responsible for the cost of this service if your insurance company chooses not to cover it.
Overdue and Credit Balances
All over-due patient balances will be sent to collections.
All accounts sent to collections will be charged a $25 collection fee in addition to the account balance.
Credit balances under $15 aged over 60 days may be written off.
Divorce or Custody Case Policy
The parent or guardian who brings the patient into our office will be held financially responsible, regardless of the provisions in the divorce decree, who has custody, or who has the insurance.
To help in this policy, we ask that you assist us by:
- Providing us with current and updated information on yourself and your insurance company.
- Presenting an updated photo identification card and insurance card when changes are made.
- Make the appropriate payment at the time of service, whether it is a deductible, copay, coinsurance, or the full amount if you are a Self-Pay Patient.